Leon S. Kennedy
Basic Stats
Name: Leon Scott Kennedy
Age: 21 (Verse Timeline Dependent)
Height: 178 cm (5 ft 10 in)
Weight: 70.2 kg (155 lb)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Short Biography:
Leon Kennedy grew up in the system. Orphaned at a young age he studied hard, got his degree and enrolled in the police academy as soon as he was able to.
He graduated from the academy at 21 and was scheduled to report to the Raccoon City Police Department. His start day was pushed back for unknown reasons and he arrived some time after the initial outbreak of the T-Virus in the city.
Main Verse (RP)
Immediately following the events of Raccoon City, Claire Redfield separated from Leon and Sherry to continue pursuing her brother’s whereabouts. Leon and Sherry did not have peace for long as they were soon apprehended by the US Military.
Sherry was taken from him and put in protective custody while Leon was interrogated about the Raccoon City incident. Leon did not trust the government though and did not reveal Claire or Wong or his and Sherry’s infections.
STRATCOM ended up making an offer that Leon could not refuse, recruiting Leon into service.
Leon’s subsequent training was brutal and efficient, turning him from a simple police officer to a proficient weapon himself in weapons handling and close quarters combat. Through it all, Leon maintained tight control on his virus and has not revealed it's existence to anyone in the government.
[Verse | Agent BOW]

The T-Virus:
While at the outskirts of Raccoon City, Leon was exposed to the t-Virus through a bite from the diseased at the Mizoli Gas Station. However, instead of breaking down with the cannibal disease as those before him, Leon’s body adjusted, showing itself to be one of the ‘Adaptors’ to the virus.
Adaptors are an unusual case of infection that requires certain genetic criteria’s and pre-dispositions and is exceedingly rare. Adaptors are marked by their ability to bond with the virus and gain superhuman abilities with limited to no brain damage.
Effects of the Infection of the t-Virus increases the metabolism of the host which grants them incredible superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance and healing factor. The healing factor allowing the infected to withstand fatal wounds and illnesses. The virus also has some degree of slowing down the aging process.
[*Description borrowed from Resident Evil Wiki]
Virus Information | Adjustments - Verse Dependent/Timeline Dependent
Original T-Virus Strain (Raccoon City Infection)
Through the T-Virus, Leon garnered abilities that pushed the human body beyond it's normal capabilities, including advanced strength, speed, agility and endurance. He also gained the ability to heal from small to deadly wounds. Aging slowed as cell regeneration was kicked into hyperdrive.
Leon is able to contain/suppress these abilities with focus, meaning that wounds won't always heal right away.
Las Plagas (Graham Rescue Mission)[RE4 and Beyond]
Something about the Las Plagas variant when injected into Leon created an entirely different response than Saddler was initially intending. The Plaga injected into his body was consumed by the virus present but not without giving a final boost to strength and durability. It also gave a jump to Leon's regenerative abilities. Speeding up his healing process time and his ability to rapidly regenerate lost tissue.

Other Current Verses
Rookie-Cop in Raccoon City Verse
Set During the Resident Evil 2 Game and the subsequent games surrounding the Raccoon City Incident.
Pre-Infected/Becoming Infected Leon Kennedy when he's just a Rookie Cop.
[Verse | Rookie Cop]
Devil May Cry Verse
At the conclusion of the Raccoon City Incident, Leon becomes aware of the full scope of his mutations under the evolved t-Virus.
Deciding to keep a low profile but still offer help to those in need, Leon accepts a posting as a detective in Red Grave City.
[Verse | Detective Kennedy]
Project Kennedy Verse
Test Subject of Umbrella|Neo Umbrella: Default Verse for Duplicate Muses.
Intrigued by Leon Kennedy's history with the virus and his track record, Project Kennedy was created.
A clone of Leon Kennedy infected with the t-Virus who believes he is Leon Kennedy.
[ Verse | Project Kennedy]